ホーム / 構造エンジニアリング
Bentley Year in Infrastructure:
アイコン 構造エンジニアリング

カテゴリ: 構造エンジニアリング

This category recognizes projects that demonstrate digital innovation in planning, modeling, designing, analyzing, documenting, and detailing of high-quality structures, platforms, and foundations.

注目の画像 |構造工学賞受賞者
画像クレジット: Hyundai Engineering

構造プロジェクトにおけるデジタルワークフローとデジタルツインの使用状況を詳細に説明します。 これらの構造物には、建物、施設、オフショア石油およびガスプラットフォーム、風力タービンの基礎が含まれます。


This category recognizes projects that demonstrate digital innovation in planning, modeling, designing, analyzing, documenting, and detailing of high-quality structures, platforms, and foundations. Please showcase your innovative use of Bentley applications, either independently or combined with other software—including STAAD, RAM, OpenWindPower, SACS, MOSES, ADINA, and AutoPIPE—across the entire project and asset lifecycle.

Please include any quantitative results relating to cost savings and productivity, as well as quality and safety, if applicable. Remember to include high-quality visuals—such as images, screenshots, animations, charts, videos, and diagrams—and provide actual models and product screenshots. Please also provide examples of how you are leveraging digital twins and AI across the lifecycle to advance project delivery and enhance asset performance.

Criteria 1

Demonstrate significant challenges in planning, design, or construction. Address the exceptional circumstances that required unique or innovative solutions, showcasing the team’s problem-solving abilities and creativity.

Criteria 2

Show how Bentley software applications were utilized for structural or mechanical engineering tasks, creating models within these analysis applications for multiple purposes, such as analysis, design, and drawing development. Illustrate how the project leveraged advanced features to automate or modernize the solution, including:

  • Interoperability.
  • Nonlinear finite element analysis.
  • Software programming interfaces (APIs).
  • Integration with building information modeling (BIM).
  • A digital twin

Criteria 3

Showcase the innovative use of Bentley applications to model, design, analyze, document, or detail structures of varying complexity and materials.

Criteria 4

Provide measured/quantified return on investment (ROI) achieved using Bentley software, including:

  • Cost savings (energy efficiency, water loss, design, construction and maintenance costs).
  • Time savings.
  • Resource optimization.
  • Risk management (mitigation measures and solutions).

Criteria 5

Showcase sustainability impact of the project (climate adaptation, society, community, safety, environmental, etc.), including:

  • Energy savings.
  • Lower carbon footprint.
  • Improved resilience.
  • Improved quality of life.
  • Mitigated risk.


基準についてご質問がある方は、[email protected]までお問い合わせください






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インフラ分野で最も権威のある賞にプロジェクトをノミネートしましょう! 応募期限は4月 29日です。