Training Course: Travel Demand Modeling with OpenPaths AGENT

Course description:
A comprehensive course intended for modellers who will develop, maintain or analyze travel demand models with OpenPaths AGENT. Participants will develop an understanding of how to configure contrasting travel demand models, including zonal aggregate, hybrid, tour-based and activity-based models. A series of demonstrations and hands-on exercises covers the specification of location-, temporal- and other choice models, management of model segmentation, chaining models, schema definition, relational expressions, tour tracing, calibration and other results visualization and diagnostics. Participants may follow along with examples using either OpenPaths CUBE or OpenPaths EMME.
- Introduction to model package and its properties
- Schema browser
- Relation attributes and expressions
- Model steps: choice models (generic, location, and temporal) and intermediate processing
- Stochasticity and random numbers
- Calibration targets and automated calibration
- Demand model runs and travel scenario analysis
Participants should have some prior familiarity with travel demand models and discrete choice logistic regression, ideally with OpenPaths CUBE and/or OpenPaths EMME.
For the hands-on training you will require your own laptop that meets the minimum system requirements as well as administrator privileges to install the software.
For information about upcoming dates, or to schedule your own training, please contact [email protected].