Transient analysis of water distribution systems can prevent catastrophic events. OpenFlows HAMMER allows designers to model transients in these systems to help prevent and control these occurrences.
OpenFlows HAMMER allows existing OpenFlows Water and WaterCAD files to easily be opened to allow for transient analysis.
One of the most important aspects of transient analysis is the speed of pressure waves moving through a pipe.
Some of the main parameters for transient analysis are wave speed, description of events that trigger transients, and any transient control measures. OpenFlows HAMMER handles all of these key parameters needed for analysis.
OpenFlows HAMMER has built-in area-closure characteristics for ball, butterfly, globe, circular gate, and needle valves. Modelers can also enter a user-defined valve by entering curve data.
Having reliable surge protection systems in place is crucial for modeling water distribution systems. This video discusses the system improvement approach, flow-supplement approach, and surge relief approach.
OpenFlows HAMMER has a built-in profile viewer that allows modelers to look at animated profiles to see the timing and duration of transients.
Turbines can be modeled within OpenFlows HAMMER. Modelers must be able to predict transient pressures to implement adequate surge control strategies to protect turbines in a system.
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