持続可能性の実践 - 気候変動対策の成功事例からインスピレーションを得る
世界は、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)と将来を見据えたインフラを達成するために、急速かつ前例のない変革を必要としています。 同時に、世界のインフラ部門では、生産性の格差を埋めるためにデジタル化への大規模なシフトが進んでいます。 Bentleyは、革新的な製品の提供とパートナーシップを通じて、この双方の分野でユーザーの目標と目的を達成できるよう支援します。
INTEGRA 4.0デジタル化による文化の変革
世界最大級の水・廃棄物管理会社であるSabespが手掛けるINTEGRA 4.0プロジェクトは、ブラジルのSão Pauloにおける変革と革新の物語です。増大する需要と環境問題の中で水と廃棄物を管理するという困難な課題に直面した同社は、デジタルトランスフォーメーションに乗り出します。デジタルツインやAI、IoT、ビッグデータといった先進技術を活用し、シームレスで効率的かつ持続可能な水管理システムを構築しました。水がスムーズに流れ、損失が最小限に抑えられ、一滴一滴が管理される都市を想像してみてください。このビジョンは、BentleyのWaterSightやSewerSightといったツールによるリアルタイムモニタリングと正確な意思決定を通じて実現しました。水の損失と運用時のCO2 排出量を大幅に削減するこのプロジェクトは、メンテナンス手法の最適化、コストの削減、運用効率の向上を実現。コミュニティに安定性と満足度をもたらし、信頼性の高い水供給と効果的な下水処理を確保しました。ブルックリン橋-モンゴメリーコースタルレジリエンス
Brooklyn橋 - Montgomery沿岸レジリエンスプロジェクトは、2050年代に予想される100年に一度の高潮に対処する取り組みです。New York市のTwo Bridges地区にとって希望の光となっています。プロジェクトは、何千人もの住民を守りながら、地区へのアクセスやウォーターフロントの景観も維持するという途方もない課題に直面していました。その切り札となったのは、防潮壁と浸水防止バリアの組み合わせです。浸水防止バリアは展開式になっていて、普段は目立たず、必要なときに展開できるように設計されています。その成功に不可欠なデジタルソリューションを提供したのは、New York市の設計建設局(DDC)からの要請でプロジェクトに参加したGreenman-Pedersen, Inc.(GPI)です。GPIはNew York市の複雑な地形を効果的に管理するために、ビルディングインフォメーションモデリング(BIM)と4D5Dスケジューリング、さらに、BentleyのSynchro 4Dシミュレーションビデオを活用しました。これらのツールによって、干渉のリスクをリアルタイムで視覚化できるようになり、建設の工程が最適化され、正確な意思決定が可能になりました。このプロジェクトは、建設プロセスの効率化、地域の安全確保、資源利用の最適化、コストの削減、効率の向上を通じて、カーボンフットプリントの大幅な削減に成功しています。ケンブリッジサウスインフラストラクチャの強化
The Cambridge South Infrastructure Enhancements Project addresses Cambridge’s critical need for sustainable, accessible transport to support the rapidly expanding Biomedical Campus. Arcadis, leveraging Bentley’s digital solutions, is leading the design of a Net Zero Carbon station and enhancing railway systems while preserving service continuity for surrounding communities. Key digital tools, including Bentley’s 3D modeling, iTwin Services, and SYNCHRO, have streamlined collaboration and accelerated issue resolution, reducing clashes between disciplines by over 26,500, cutting site visits by 90%, and enabling efficient spatial planning for assets. These technologies significantly minimized construction time, lowered costs, and reduced carbon emissions, contributing to a projected 84% reduction in whole-life carbon. The station will feature photovoltaic panels, a green-blue roof for rainwater management, and habitats for wildlife, aligning with the city’s biodiversity and net zero goals. The station’s accessible design will reduce local vehicular traffic by over 1,100 daily and promote sustainable commuting options, improving regional air quality and quality of life.カウナス工科大学キャンパスが、建物の運用に伴う炭素排出・気候のモニタリングと改善にデジタルツインを活用
The Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Campus Digital Twin project tackles the challenge of operational carbon emissions in buildings, which contribute 80% of a structure's lifetime carbon footprint. Using Bentley Systems’ digital twin technology, IoT sensors, BIM, and AI, the project creates a dynamic model of KTU’s buildings that integrates over 2,000 real-time environmental and operational data points. These insights reveal the energy consumption, waste, and CO2 impacts across campus, empowering decision-makers with actionable intelligence. The initiative promotes energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction by implementing solar energy, EV charging, and targeted resource management. This pioneering approach not only enhances energy use and infrastructure planning but also reinforces KTU’s commitment to environmental responsibility, financial savings, and fostering a green-conscious community. Over time, the project is set to drive impactful climate action, improve operational sustainability, and serve as a model for academic institutions globally.ミッドランド本線電化プロジェクト
The Midland Mainline Electrification Project (MMLE) by SPL Powerlines tackles the challenge of increasing rail capacity and sustainability across the UK’s Midland corridor. Faced with complex multi-discipline coordination, SPL adopted cutting-edge digital solutions, including Bentley's digital twin. This unified digital approach provided all project teams with real-time access to synchronized data via a secure, common platform, enhancing safety and reducing costs. Automated quality assurance, UAV surveys, and efficient workflows yielded a 94% reduction in site visits and significant environmental savings, including a carbon reduction equivalent to 500 New York-Paris return flights. By streamlining design and preventing on-site errors, these digital tools accelerated the project timeline, minimized waste, and ensured sustainability in line with UK decarbonization goals. The MMLE is now a model for sustainable, digital-first infrastructure development.The Elizabeth Line
The Transformative Innovations in Southeast Sulawesi Nickel-Cobalt Exploration project by PT SMG Consultants (SMGC) in Indonesia exemplifies the power of digital integration to achieve responsible mining. As demand rises for critical minerals essential for clean energy, SMGC partnered with Seequent to optimize nickel extraction using digital twins, advanced 3D geological modeling, and integrated data management solutions. Tools like Leapfrog Geo and MX Deposit transformed data from complex nickel laterite deposits into accurate geological models, reducing drilling needs by 80% and saving substantial energy, water, and CO₂ emissions. With precise resource estimates, SMGC minimized waste and met rigorous environmental standards. The project also prioritized stakeholder engagement, fostering partnerships with local communities, and addressing social risks to minimize disruption. SMGC's sustainable practices contributed to Indonesia's economic growth and aligned with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Through this pioneering approach, SMGC not only advanced critical mineral production but also set a benchmark for sustainable practices, directly supporting a cleaner global energy transition.Butuo ±800kVコンバータステーションの全ライフサイクルデジタルアプリケーション
The Butuo Converter Station, part of the Baihetan Hydropower project, addresses China’s need for clean energy by efficiently transferring renewable electricity over 2,000 km to eastern cities. As the largest ultra-high voltage converter station globally, this innovative project led by Southwest Electric Power Design Institute, employs a range of Bentley products, such as LumenRT, MicroStation, OpenBuildings, OpenSite, OpenUtilities, ProjectWise, and STAAD. They explored digital twin technology, AI, and 3D/4D modeling to enhance planning, design, and construction efficiency. Digital tools such as MicroStation and ProjectWise enabled multi-disciplinary collaboration, optimized site selection, and visualized project stages, reducing project time and cutting material waste. The “3 stations in one” design saves in total 10 hectares of land and annually 27 million tonnes of coal, preventing 49.48 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions. This groundbreaking project not only supports China’s economic development by meeting 75 million people's energy needs but also aligns with sustainability goals by conserving resources, reducing emissions, and fostering local job creation.Evergy送電塔安定化プロジェクト
MissouriのEvergy送電塔安定化プロジェクトは、緊急の問題に直面していました。パンデミックの最中、洪水によって重要な161kV送電塔が損傷し、COVID-19患者で満床になっていた地元の病院への電力供給が危機にさらされていたのです。プロジェクトオーナーのEvergyは、BentleyのiTwin CaptureやPLS-CADDといった革新的なデジタルソリューションを活用し、被害を受けた塔のデジタルツインを作成します。高解像度のドローン画像と3Dモデリングにより、チームは送電線を通電したまま、構造的な変形を評価し、緊急の安定化を設計することに成功しました。従来の地上調査では数週間かかるところを、ドローンを用いた写真測量とデジタルツイン技術の採用で、Evergyはわずか2か月で構造を安定化し、長期にわたる停電を回避しました。対応時間の短縮とリソース使用の最小化を両立したこのアプローチにより、重要施設への電力供給は途切れず維持され、地域のレジリエンスとインフラの信頼性に対するデジタルエンジニアリングの革新的な効果が実証されました。気候危機に直面した水供給の最適化: コロンビアにおける損失削減とエネルギー効率の向上
Amid Colombia’s climate crisis, Acueducto Metropolitano de Bucaramanga S.A. E.S.P. launched a project to optimize water distribution in the city of Bucaramanga. Facing severe drought and escalating demand, the utility used Bentley’s WaterGEMS software to create a real-time, digital model of the water system. This model integrates field data and advanced genetic algorithms to adjust valve configurations, minimizing pressure and reducing water loss. With WaterGEMS’ capabilities, the project decreased modeling time by 25% and reduced water loss by 5%, recovering an estimated 7,000 m³ monthly. Bentley’s integration with ArcGIS also streamlined data updates, minimizing on-site visits by 100 trips. This project not only enhances water conservation and energy efficiency but also strengthens local ecosystems by reducing strain on natural water sources. It showcases how digital solutions can transform infrastructure resilience, supporting both environmental sustainability and community well-being in a time of climate urgency.フィリピン・パラニャーケ市における直接飲料水の配水のためのOpenFlows WaterGEMSを用いたネットワーク設計
深刻化する水不足と気候変動の課題に対応するため、Maynilad Water Services Inc.は、フィリピンのValenzuelaで先駆的な水再利用イニシアチブに着手しました。Mayniladは、BentleyのOpenFlows WaterGEMSを活用して、アジア初の直接飲用再利用処理施設であるパラニャーケ新水処理プラントを設計しました。この革新的な施設は、1日あたり1000万リットルの飲料水を供給し、270,000人の地域住民にとって水供給の重要な支えとなっています。WaterGEMSを活用することで、Mayniladはリアルタイムのネットワーク条件をシミュレーションし、パイプライン設計を最適化して、変化するプロジェクトの需要に迅速に対応できるようになりました。この給配水ネットワークのデジタルツインを通じて、エンジニアは圧力や流量、代替シナリオを効率的にモデル化し、既存のインフラとのシームレスな統合を実現しています。このプラントは、淡水源への負担を軽減し、水の安全性を強化するとともに、啓蒙・普及活動を通じて公共の受容性を高めています。この成功を受けて、Mayniladはこれらの施設をサービス提供区域全体に拡大し、持続可能な水管理とレジリエンスを推進しています。世界初の水素冶金工学実証プロジェクトの設計・施工・運用・保守におけるBIM技術の統合的な適用
Iron and steel production is a major global source of greenhouse gases. MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited (CERI) has set a global benchmark in sustainable steel production with the world’s first Hydrogen Metallurgy Engineering Demonstration Project. Faced with the immense carbon footprint of traditional steelmaking, CERI designed a breakthrough process that uses hydrogen-rich coke oven gas instead of coal, drastically reducing CO₂ emissions by 70%—an equivalent of 800,000 tonnes annually. Leveraging Bentley’s advanced digital solutions, including iTwin, ProjectWise, and SYNCHRO, CERI created a digital twin that supported real-time design collaboration, automated clash detection, and intelligent safety monitoring, ensuring precision and safety across 29 disciplines. The digital model enabled rapid adaptation, saving three years of construction time and reducing the plant’s structural material needs by 50%. This groundbreaking project not only strengthens China’s low-carbon goals but also sets a transformative path for the global steel industry, merging environmental responsibility with operational efficiency and redefining sustainable manufacturing.Shandong Energy Group Bozhong洋上風力発電所サイトAのデジタルツイン
Led by PowerChina ZhongNan Engineering Corporation Limited, the Shandong Energy Group Bozhong Oeshore Wind Farm Site A stands as China’s largest digital offshore wind farm. The project was completed and reached full grid-connected power generation in the same year it was planned, delivering 1.7 billion kilowatt-hours of green energy annually. Facing a tight schedule, complex marine conditions, and coordination challenges, PowerChina used a digital twin to simulate real-world scenarios, streamlining the construction, operation, and maintenance processes. Bentley’s suite of digital tools including OpenPlant, PLAXIS and ProjecWise supported this data-driven approach, optimizing the offshore booster station design, submarine cable routing, and onshore control center. This advanced digital integration boosted project efficiently by 30%, reduced construction time by 20%, and cut costs by 10%, ultimately preventing 1.25 million tons of CO₂ emissions yearly. PowerChina’s digital innovation demonstrates a transformative leap in renewable energy, setting a new standard for efficient, sustainable wind power generation.自動化による治水構造物の高度解析と設計
To address rising climate challenges and the critical need for flood protection, Arcadis automated the complex modeling of flood walls and gates, significantly enhancing efficiency and resilience in flood management. By leveraging Bentley’s STAAD software and OpenSTAAD automation, Arcadis transformed a previously manual process, taking 16+ hours per model, into a streamlined one-click solution, reducing model time by 95%. This digital solution, enhanced with iterative analysis and accurate data inputs, guarantees high-quality, consistent models, freeing up valuable time for detailed design and quality assurance. The initiative not only accelerates project delivery, but also enhances safety and community resilience against extreme weather, improving resource efficiency, and reducing environmental impacts.Bridging KentuckyとのGoing Digital調査
The Bridging Kentucky initiative, led by Qk4, Inc. for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, took on a monumental challenge: rehabilitating over a thousand deficient bridges statewide. Conventional survey and design approaches would have demanded years and over $700 million; however, Qk4 adopted Bentley’s advanced software—OpenRoads, ProjectWise, LumenRT and more—to accelerate digital surveys, 3D modeling, and data integration. Using drones, 3D laser scanning, and digital twins, the team created precise, intelligent models that empowered efficient design and swift project delivery, saving nearly 50% of projected costs and 90% in survey processing time. This efficiency proved invaluable during the July 2022 floods, enabling the team to quickly replace over 50 bridges impacted by the disaster. The impact extended far beyond budgets, restoring essential infrastructure for rural communities, facilitating safe access for school buses, emergency vehicles, and commuters, and supporting a resilient future.